In 2022, we responded to 278
including such incidents as
structure fires, brush fires,
vehicle accidents on local
roadways and on the New York
State Thruway, gas leaks,
electrical hazards, downed trees
and community service calls.
All of our members maintain
response-readiness through
continuous and regular hands-on
drills and classroom training.
We are volunteers who are on
call 24 hours every day of the
year to serve and protect the
community. |
Rescue Tales in Tuxedo
In 2008, the Tuxedo Fire
Department received a Fireman’s
Fund Heritage Grant plus a grant
from New York State which,
combined together, made it
possible for us to purchase an
AVON inflatable rescue boat and
outboard motor which we took
delivery on February 11, 2009.
Since then, we have conducted
numerous drills with the boat
and motor as the Ramapo River
water levels allowed. The
membership is well-versed in the
proper setup and safe operation
of the boat and motor. Hurricane
Irene provided us with the first
non-training use of this boat
and motor combination.
Specifically, there were three
rescue incidents involving the
First, early Sunday morning,
August 28, 2011, we were
dispatched to a call for a
vehicle stuck in water on the
New York State Thruway. During
our “sizeup” (or assessment) of
the situation, it was determined
that the passengers in the
vehicle were elderly people who
would have difficulty walking
through the swiftly moving water
to safety even with the help of
firefighters. Consequently, the
boat was deployed and used to
successfully ferry the victims
to safety.
Second, later that afternoon, we
were again dispatched to a
vehicle stuck in water. This
time it was near Route 17 in the
northern section of the Town of
Tuxedo and the vehicle was a
dump truck with three
passengers. The initial “sizeup”
by the Rescue Team north of the
victims, determined that there
was considerable distance to the
victims and that areas of swift
current and deep water would
make accessing the victims
extremely difficult, if not
impossible, without the boat.
The boat and motor are stored on
the Rescue Truck 568 that was
assigned to stay in the Hamlet
area during the storm. Upon
receiving the call, Rescue 568
and its crew proceeded north
from the Hamlet on Route 17 as
far as the flood waters at that
time would allow. There was an
impassable area approximately
300 yards long in front of the
Duck Cedar Plaza.
The boat was unpacked, inflated
and dispatched with a crew of
eight firefighters across this
first expanse of water covering
Route 17. The boat and motor
were then portaged across what
seemed like miles of pavement
(although actually only ½ to ¾
of a mile) before getting to the
expanse of water by the ball
field where the dump truck was
stuck with water up to its hood.
The boat and motor combination
allowed us to pass the
considerable distance across the
deep and fast-moving water to
reach the victims quickly and
safely. They were all very happy
to see us and relieved to get
off the truck and into the boat
Third, on Monday, August 29th,
the boat was used to ferry an
Orange County Hazmat Officer to
a large home heating-oil storage
tank at the SOS Fuels site so he
could access damage to, or
spillage from, the tank. When it
was determined that the tank was
leaking, absorbent booms were
deployed from the boat to help
contain the leaking oil.
These three calls during
Hurricane Irene certainly
demonstrate the need for these
very important pieces of rescue
equipment, and we appreciate
both Fireman’s Fund and
Assemblywoman Annie Rabbitt and
the State of New York for making
it possible for us to procure
this invaluable rescue
February, 2012 |